A kiss on the lips may be quite Continental
But it seems to be illegal in Dubai
Strange for a country that, can't pay the rental
To enforce this law of an eye for eye
It was a local Emirati woman that actually called the Police after she claimed to witness the 2 Brits kissing on the mouth. The young couple in question Ayman Najafi (24 years old) and Charlotte Adams 25 (years old) stated to a Dubai appeals court that the case was a "huge misunderstanding" and they were simply kissing on the cheek.Police said the Emirati woman called the authorities because her daughters were upset after witnessing the couple kiss on the mouth at a busy Burger Restaurant.
The pair are expected to be present in court again on the 4th of April for a verdict on their appeal.
Interestingly, they have already been fined $272 for being in a public place after consuming alcohol.
Last year another British couple were sentenced to 3 months in prison for having sex on the beach.
On balance and after careful reflection, it is clear that any Tourist or foreign citizen should take care to respect the local laws and customs of the country they desire to visit or become resident of. This said, any destination that desires to attract western visitors in the masses or western workers are best advised to offer a measure of flexibility.
In the case of Dubai, in order to attract the masses in the first place, local laws were adjusted to permit the sale of alcohol within the confines of Hotels that possessed licenses. Such a proactive and flexible stance towards Tourism could now be damaged by the legal authorities if they decide to put this couple away merely for kissing. We will keep you posted...
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