Friday, 19 August 2011

Heathrow is Official London Olympics Airport


 The Official History of the Olympic Games and the IOC: Athens to Beijing, 1894-2009 (Official History of the Olympic Games & the Ioc)
Full confirmation has now been given that London Heathrow will be the official London 2012 Olympic Games airport. Similarly, it will be the official host airport for the subsequent Paralympic Games, too.

Consequently, it's now anticipated that the 13 August 2012 - the day after the Olympic Games - will be busier than any other day in Heathrow's history. Never before will Heathrow have handled over 200,000 bags over a 24 hour period and the actual figure could exceed even that, beating the current 160,00-bag record.

Heathrow's expected to be the airport of choice for close to 80 per cent of all Olympic-related passenger traffic, including officials, spectators, reporters and, of course, the athletes themselves. That's not to say that other London airports won't figure at all but Heathrow will certainly more active than anywhere else.

London Olympics Airport  
The predicted levels of passenger traffic come, in part, from discussions held between BAA officials and those involved in operating other airports which have previously acted as Olympic host sites. According to one representative, it was these that indicated that London Olympics airport travel volumes would spike immediately after the event had finished.

"We expect people will arrive in dribs and drabs but they will all want to leave on the same day", the representative explained.

Typically, says BAA, passengers passing through Heathrow bring with them one-and-a-half items of luggage, on average. Where Olympic participants are concerned, this figure can be expected to increase three-fold. Additionally, large items of luggage will make up a significant percentage of the overall Heathrow Olympic Games traffic - objects such as vaulting poles, canoes and bikes that are too bulky to be processed in the usual way.

Olympic Games: Heathrow  
It's clear that, in general, the Olympic Games will give Heathrow a number of challenges, but solutions are being sought. One possibility being looked into is a dedicated Olympic terminal, which would be erected before the event and dismantled as soon as it's over.

"We are tremendously proud to be the host airport of the London 2012 Games", Colin Matthews, the Chief Executive of BAA, said, in a statement published on the official Heathrow Airport website.

"Heathrow will be the first and last impression of the London 2012 Games for thousands of people. London 2012 will be Heathrow's greatest challenge. Every part of the airport is working together so we can give the world's greatest athletes the world's greatest welcome."

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